How to join / find a Tribu family?
Joining a Tribu To join an existing Tribu family, you must be invited by another member of that Tribu family. Simply click on the link you've received (by e-mail, whatsapp or other means). As soon as you click on the link, you'll be invited to create an account (if it's your first visit) and you'll automatically join the Tribu in question. If you already have an account, you'll need to log in (not create a new account), and you'll have access to both Tribus.Some readersHow can I change the name of my Tribu album?
You can find the name of your Tribu on the front page of your album. To change the name, go to the Menu and select "Our family". Then click on the pencil next to your Tribu's name (top left of the page) and make the change.Some readersHow do I add a member to my Tribu family?
First of all, are you in the right Tribu? Indeed, if you have several Tribus, you have to check that you are going to add the member(s) in the right one. Each member can invite others by clicking on "Our family" in the menu. ( readersHow to delete a Tribu family?
Each member of your Tribu family must leave the Tribu in order for it be deleted. Each member must therefore go to the menu, click on "my info" and then click on "leave" next to the corresponding Tribu.Few readersHow to create a new Tribu
You don't have to limit yourself to one Tribu :-) Creating a new Tribu is like creating a new album, completely independent. You add other members, you share the photos you want etc... The most common reasons for creating a new Tribu are the following: You want to send a different album to several people You want to create a one shot album, for your vacations, for a wedding, to thank for a weekend spent with friends... How to create a new Tribu ? Go to menu "+ create a new Tribu".Few readers