Articles on: Album delivery

How to reprint an album ?

Do you want to reprint your albums? You can do so by going to the menu > Archives.

Then click on "reprint" next to the album you want to reprint.

Your album will be reprinted on the next printing date. Each reprint costs 11.95€.

Reprinting for the same reader

If you wish to reprint for a reader who is already on your Tribu News account, you must click on "Select a reader" and click on the reader to whom you wish to send the reprinted album.

Reprint for a new reader

You have the possibility to reprint your album for a new reader, i.e. a different reader than the one you have already sent an album to. After clicking on "Reprint", you have to select "add a new reader". You will need to enter the first and last name of the new reader.

Don't forget to add the postal address of the new reader by going to the menu > Shipping information!

Updated on: 31/10/2022